Your whole food, plant-based life.

Veggie Salad with Black Beans

Yup…those are black beans. And yup, they are COOKED (gasp). What are cooked beans doing on a raw food site? Well, as promised, I am working on some cold weather recipes! It is a perfect day for this in Minnesota. We survived a huge windstorm last night that knocked out power and ushered in cold weather and snow flakes. Which is not unusual for us at this time of year.


bean salad


Cold weather in Minnesota is really cold. We can go below zero and not come out for days. Combine that with deep drifts of snow, and sometimes, cold, raw food just doesn’t cut it. I find myself migrating to my dehydrator way too much and notice that because I want food with bulk and warmth, I am eating too much dehydrated food and raw foods heavy in fat to try to get what my body craves when it is so cold.

Since I have been having a love affair with raw all summer, cooked food completely loses it’s appeal. It tastes bland, dead, not vibrant. And there is the conundrum. I want vibrant, live food but I also need  warm heavier foods. Then it came to me. Why not develop a bunch of recipes that are mostly fresh, vibrant food, but also incorporates a bit of cooked food that will satisfy. Today, black beans fit the bill and I am excited about the outcome. I get the best of both worlds. The fresh vibrancy of the corn, tomatoes, onions and bok choy, mixed with the cooked beans. BTW, the winner of this week’s contest is announced at the end of the post! Also…would love to hear your thoughts on this type of recipe.


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  1. jules p wrote on October 28, 2010

    wow…this looks amazing!

  2. Elle ( wrote on October 28, 2010

    I know exactly what you mean about cold weather and diet! I really want to start making high carb and fatty foods. : ( Adding some healthy cooked veggies/legumes is a great way to meet this need my body is craving!

  3. Amber Sackett wrote on October 28, 2010

    i am very happy for this! it makes me feel a little less overwhelmed. and black beans are tasty!!!!!

  4. Kelly Parr wrote on October 28, 2010

    PERFECTOooooo! At times when I want a “change up”… I toss in some steamed brown rice in my salads! Hits the spot. 🙂

  5. Catherine wrote on October 28, 2010

    It is good to see you getting such a good response to having some ~God forbid~ cooked ingredient. I love beans and this looks like a wonderful recipe. And let me tell you about cold temperatures! Fairbanks, Alaska, -50 degrees and that’s not even counting the windchill. A gal needs something more then a cold meal to look at. Thank you for being flexible and for all your hard work in keeping us filled, healthy, and satisfied!

  6. Caleb wrote on October 28, 2010

    I’ve never been a huge fan of beans, but when I want something warm on my salads, I usually go with tempeh! The rest of the salad ingredients sound great though! Yum!

  7. Yeboah wrote on October 28, 2010

    It looks absolutely wonderful. I am also happy that you incorporated black beans because they are my favorite. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.

    In Peace

  8. Jaclyn wrote on October 28, 2010

    This looks like my daily lunch! Cooked and raw salads are the best of both worlds 🙂

  9. Linda MacKnight wrote on October 28, 2010

    For ideas on eating predominantly raw with 10-20% cooked foods check out Halelujah Acres.
    They suggest eating a large, nutrionally dense salad first, then adding any cooked foods you like.
    I am 100% raw, but my daughter (who has 5 children) is using the Halelujah Acres Philosophy to make the whole family happy 🙂


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