Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Recipe: Almond Butter

Making nut butters can be a little tricky. I used to think that I had to do them in my Vitamix, which would drive me batty with all the scraping down that was required. Other times, I would have a fail, only because I quit too early. I didn’t realize how much time it takes, and the process that the nuts have to go through. But if you have a little patience, you can make nut butters that are fabulous. You will never want to buy them again! Almond butter is a good one to start with.



I used my Kitchen Aid 12 cup food processor. It is a strong processor. The bottom warms up a little bit but if you are using an older processor, or a processor with a much weaker motor, common sense needs to prevail.



After 2 minutes it will look like this.



After 4 minutes it will look like this.



After 6 minutes it will look like this.



Around 8 minutes, the almond mixture will ball up. Just let it keep going.



At 10 minutes it has begun to redistribute, but it is not done yet. You want to wait until the oils get released.



At 12 minutes the almonds have released their oil and the butter is ready! If you want to add honey or salt, stir it in by hand.

*Chef’s Note: If using soaked, dehydrated (dried) almonds, you may need to add a little oil. This recipe requires the use of completely dry almonds.


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  1. Jennifer wrote on August 12, 2013

    Quick question. Do you use raw slivered almonds or raw whole almonds?

    Thanks, Jennifer

    • Susan wrote on August 13, 2013

      Whole raw almonds.

  2. Julie wrote on August 6, 2013

    I tried this recipe with my cuisinart & followed exactly the recipe& photos. At 24 min, the almond butter had not released oil and was a solid mass. I took it out (to put in refrigerator) to give my cuisinart a break. Any suggestions?! Thanks, julie

    • Susan wrote on August 7, 2013

      Are you using dry nuts? Did you presoak and dehydrate them?

  3. Claudia wrote on July 29, 2013

    Works deliciously with raw walnuts, too — walnut butter has a unique flavour and is creamy and healthful!

  4. denise wrote on July 13, 2013

    Thanks Susan for the tip. I figured it was something like the soaking problem. Well.. lesson learned! I am going to try this again because I really love almonds and anything made from them.

  5. denise wrote on July 13, 2013

    I have been doing this since 9:30 this morning with my cuisnart 11 cup food processer. I soaked the almonds over night. I am concerned that the heating up of the base will blow the thing up! I will move on. It looks like minute 8, will it ever get done! It is now 11:30. It never got to the smooth stage. I gave up and added some honey to the ball. Perhaps soaking them overnight did something to them which made them not release the oils. I really thought I had done it right, but I did start and stop the food processor due to the base heat. It’s a pretty new machine. Any thoughts, help, etc would be appreciated!

    • Susan wrote on July 13, 2013

      This recipe will only work with DRY almonds. If you soak them, you must dehydrate them completely dry. Also, if you note the chef’s note, it states that you may need to add oil if you use soaked, dehydrated almonds. If you are trying to do this with wet almonds, it will never work.

  6. Kay wrote on June 13, 2013

    My son wants to try this — dehydrating almonds right now…. Will try it with some avocado oil, unless you suggest another oil to use. I have a Cuisinart – has anyone used this brand for the recipe? Wondering if the motor will be strong enough. Thanks so much for your posts.

  7. Amyris wrote on June 1, 2013

    Susan, thanks so much for posting this recipe with all details documented in pictures… I was at the point of though ready to give up when I decide to google for recipes and found this one!
    Truth to your word this is delicious. I made cashew butter as well and it is to die for.
    Thanks again and lots of love and light.

    • Susan wrote on June 2, 2013

      You are so welcome! I am glad you like it! 🙂

  8. Heather wrote on May 28, 2013

    I use raw almonds purchased direct from the farm and even after a half hour in my kitchen aid they never get creamy, should i just get raw almonds in bulk? I have heard that raw nuts are not truly raw unless they are from the farmer, but maybe the ones right off the tree don’t work for some reason? Is there something that is done to the raw almonds from bulk that alters them? Thanks


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