Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw, Vegan Strawberry Chocolate “Trifle”

Raw Trifel

Tri-fle: noun: A thing of little importance. Britt: a cold dessert of sponge cake and fruit covered with layers of custard, jelly, and cream. Ok…so we are taking raw food liberties again…it really isn’t a traditional trifle but it is a darn good raw version!

I remember the first trifle I ever had. I was in dessert heaven simply because I love contrast. I love hot/cold, crunchy/smooth, sweet/sour. Texture, temperature, and flavors at odds can create the most interesting dishes. Encountering a dessert that combined different layers of taste and texture both fascinated and delighted me.

In this strawberry chocolate trifle, there are 4 different textures and 4 different flavors. Starting with the crunchy layer, topped with a ganache layer, this trifle then moves into a chocolate mousse topped with strawberries and then finally a vanilla mousse! Lather, rinse repeat and you have a beautiful layered dessert that will delight the taste buds. This is a great addition to your healthy dessert recipes!

Remember, this is a dessert and should be treated as such. Raw desserts are a wonderful addition to a healthy raw diet, but should not be the center of one.

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  1. Carol McKenzie wrote on February 17, 2014

    Wonderful! My son is giving raw food a try and I’m luring him over to the raw side with this dessert.

  2. Heather @Gluten-Free Cat wrote on February 17, 2014

    What a gorgeous dessert! The layers are gorgeous and they make it feel like you’re eating 3 desserts in one. 🙂

  3. Laura-Jane wrote on February 17, 2014

    Beautiful dessert – who knew raw could look so good? And the great thing about the crunch is you can sub your favorite nuts.

  4. Faith Lubitz wrote on February 17, 2014

    wow, nummy!!!

  5. Susan wrote on February 17, 2014

    Hi, Sonia,

    I do soak and dehydrate most of my nuts. I think it makes them easier to digest. But it is completely up to you. Cheers!

  6. Sonia wrote on February 17, 2014

    Hello Susan! I just made this yuumy treat this afternoon. I didn’t have strawberries so I used fresh organic blood plums instead. The crunch base I used was a raw buckwheat granola and I ground it up into crumbs. You are absolutely right when you say it is quite easy to put together. Thank-you for another gorgeous recipe! Can I ask you, is it better to soak pecans and dehydrate as well?
    Many thanks

  7. Diane@BibliophilebytheSea wrote on February 16, 2014

    This looks and sounds great; thanks for sharing. (I’m new to your blog).

    • Susan wrote on February 16, 2014

      Welcome, Diane!

  8. Sevde wrote on February 16, 2014

    This looks delicious! Going to go and try it now! THANK YOU 🙂


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