Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Sweet Potato “Fries” with Chipotle Mayo

Eating a raw food diet doesn’t mean giving up some of your favorite foods. I used to love to order sweet potato fries with chipotle mayo. But my body did not love eating them! I felt heavy, bloated and like I had been sedated! The deep frying plus all the saturated fat in the mayo completely obliterated any healthy benefits that the sweet potatoes were offering. The potatoes offered in this raw food recipe are a little more chewy than crispy but great! And the “mayo” is even better than the original unhealthy version!



sweet potato

Sweet Potatoes are a nutritional power house. High in vitamin A and vitamin c, they are also loaded with fiber. They are excellent immunity builders and also help balance blood sugars. Adding these wonderful tubers to your diet provide a great healthy way to snack.

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  1. Lisa wrote on March 22, 2010

    Susan I love your site!!! Can you use a different nut in the mayo. My husband is allergic to them. Thanks for your help!!
    I also love the photos of the food. It makes it soooo enticing!!!

  2. Helene wrote on February 2, 2010

    I tried this recipe substituting “Raw Organic Artisana- Cocnut Flesh and Coconut Oil”. YOU can get it at Whole Foods for about $10 and I put it in my smoothies every morning. I also could not find any chipolte seasonings, so they guy at Whole Foods helped me find a clean (pretty clean anyway) Vegan Veggie Powder –by Seitenbacher- called “Vegetarian-Vegan Vegetable Broth and Seasoning”, that you can flavor anything with..and I put it in the dip instead of the chipote seasonings although I did add a little cayenne…and it was delicious. I took it to a party with some non-raw foodists–and they loved it. My sweet potatoe fries didnt come out too good as I cut them by hand so it was probably too thick..but I put the dip with a raw veggie tray they were crazy about it.

  3. Roxanne wrote on January 24, 2010

    I’m ready to try this mysterious recipe you’ve created. I am in the Twin Cities area. Will you please give me your source for young coconuts? I’m also finding it hard to find Nama Shoyu. I’m thinking of using my Organic Tamari Sauce as a substitute. Is the taste similar? I am not a raw food purist. My local Mississippi Market and Whole Foods do not carry it. I will be ordering goods from your online shop in the coming weeks. Will you be offering Nama Shoyu in your store?
    Thank you!

    • Susan wrote on January 24, 2010

      You can get young coconuts at Whole Foods. I get my Nama Shoyu at Lakewinds.

  4. Andy Hawkins wrote on January 13, 2010

    Forgive me if the answer to this question seems obvious but in an effort to make sure a nooby mistake doesn’t spoil my first attempt at one of your recipes I will ask it anyway.

    Should the sweet potatoes be peeled before slicing or do you leave the skins on?

    • Susan wrote on January 13, 2010

      You want to peel these. 🙂

  5. James wrote on January 10, 2010

    Hi, love the recipes!

    How would they work using the coating from your onion ring recipe to make them crunchier? I thought if you leave out the chipotle and smoked paprika it would preserve the flavor but impart more crunchiness.

    • Susan wrote on January 10, 2010

      These do not get “crunchy”. It is the nature of the beast. They are still good. You just have to get past thinking of them as “fried”.

  6. Anna wrote on January 4, 2010

    That’d be great. I’ve been putzing around with raw food for a couple of years now and have yet to find any books specifically avoiding nuts. Of course this means I can stick to the simpler fare, but that gets a tad boring and I haven’t had the best of luck substituting sunflower seeds in more complicated recipes the few times I’ve tried to. I figure perhaps someone with more cooking experience and a better knowledge of how ingredients work together would know better. I have been known to fail majorly at making an omelet. Thanks for the response.

  7. Anna wrote on December 24, 2009

    Hi, thanks for the recipe! Just found your site and am busy browsing – it’s gorgeous. Hope you have time to answer a quick question. I’m allergic to nuts. Would you recommend anything I could use as substitution for the pine nuts in the chipotle sauce? Thanks!

    • Susan wrote on December 25, 2009

      Nuts are the basis for a lot of the cream sauces. I will have to do a little research…

  8. Damon wrote on December 12, 2009

    I just had them for dinner with a garlic dip. Yum!!

  9. Crystal wrote on December 7, 2009

    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful creation! I looked very skeptical at the sweet potatoes that arrived in my CSA basket earlier this week and thought “raw sweet potatoes? Yuck.” Then I googled “raw sweet potato recipe” and found this one. Yum! This recipe is a gem. I used 3 Tbsp of mesquite seasoning from World Market and 1 Tbsp of chipotle pepper for the mayo and it is amazing. I’m so excited to try other recipes on your site. Namaste.


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