Your whole food, plant-based life.

Raw Tea Sandwiches

I have been creating and shooting around the clock, working on the next Rawmazing E-Book, Frozen Desserts. It is coming together beautifully and will be released soon.



When I am working on a recipe book, I have a tendency to put my head down and lose track of everything else. I often describe it as being in a completely different reality. It’s my cookbook reality and things like stopping for lunch just don’t exist there!

Today, in the middle of shooting, I realized I hadn’t even thought about lunch. I was hungry and I needed food fast.  I had some beets and cucumbers in the fridge and quickly threw together these beautiful little tea sandwiches. They are perfect for a quick lunch, or a as a great appetizer for your next gathering. The pine nut “cheese” spread is full of scallions, cucumbers and a touch of tarragon. So simple and tasty I had a hard time photographing them because I kept eating them! Lucky they take less than 10 minutes to throw together!

The filling uses pine nuts which used to be a favorite of raw food recipe folk until the price soared through the roof. But the price is finally coming down…search around I bet you will find them!


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  1. Eco Mama wrote on July 11, 2011

    Beautiful presentation, very Zen.
    Eco Mama

  2. Amy Oscar wrote on July 11, 2011

    Oh you are just so good at this… yum.

  3. Stephanie Meyer wrote on July 11, 2011

    I can imagine exactly how they taste and I want some right now! YUM! Also…you’re crazy, as in prolific, in the best possible way. Muah!

  4. Susan wrote on July 11, 2011

    They used to be 32.00 for a pound so the price is coming down! 🙂 Isn’t that 4.63 a cup?

  5. Jen Lapietro wrote on July 11, 2011

    I bought 1.5 pound bag of Kirkland Pine Nuts at Costco recently for $22. That’s 4.75 cups or $9.26 per cup. That is expensive!

  6. Laura-Jane the Rawtarian wrote on July 11, 2011

    Heehee very regal! Love the idea. When I make cucumber nut pate combos they look disastrous. Yet yours look fit for Will and Kate 🙂

  7. Emily Noble wrote on July 11, 2011

    These ARE darling!! They look fantastic! I will be making these for lunch in the near future 🙂


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