Your whole food, plant-based life.

Rosemary Almond Crackers Two Ways

Last week I posted this recipe for raw Rosemary Honey “Cheese” with Figs. Hiding in the background are the raw Rosemary Almond crackers that go with it. Incorporating the rosemary and cracked pepper into the almonds make the crackers a great compliment to the “cheese”. I promised the raw recipe for the crackers and here it is!



Since I get so many substitution questions, I decided to do something different when I developed this recipe for raw crackers. I made half the batch with golden flax and half the batch with chia seeds. I wanted a really good side-by-side comparison. The chia substituted in for the flax, beautifully. I also decided to skin my almonds after soaking to make a lighter colored cracker. Its a little time consuming but certainly doable. You do not need to skin the almonds for this recipe.



Both crackers came out crunchy and good. I am a firm believer that using fresh golden flax does not leave a “flax” taste that so many people don’t like. In this cracker, all you taste are the almonds, rosemary and cracked pepper. The flavor is deep and mellow. Delightful in your mouth. The chia crackers are a little crunchier, and have a bit of a lighter taste. but not the depth and mellowness of the flax. But both are a great compliment to the Rosemary Honey “Cheese” with figs.

I found chia seeds on sale here: CHIA  It is a pretty good price!


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  1. Susan wrote on August 1, 2012

    Using almond flour in this recipe won’t work without some tweaking. You are trying to substitute a dry ingredient for a wet one. Does that make sense?

  2. Randahl wrote on August 1, 2012

    Katherine: 1 cup of almonds makes about 1.2 cups flour…i imagine if you hydrated it after it could work 🙂

  3. Deb wrote on August 1, 2012

    Just pulled these from the dehydrator and they are lovely! They are very light and crispy and not overpowered by the flax seeds. I can imagine these working with all kinds of seasonings and I plan to try them with some finely chopped leeks next. Thanks as ever for sharing 🙂

  4. Yael wrote on July 31, 2012

    OMG,this looks so awesome! I plan to try it tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂

  5. Elizabeth wrote on July 30, 2012

    Can I use the pulp from my nut mylk?

    • Susan wrote on July 30, 2012

      This recipe was created using soaked almonds. That is a completely different ingredient than nut milk pulp. Cheers!

  6. Katherine wrote on July 30, 2012

    I was given about 5 lbs of beautiful fresh almond flour (now in my freezer) and I’d really like to use it in this application. 3 cups of whole almonds equals approximately how many cups of almond flour? Thank you!

    • Susan wrote on July 30, 2012

      Unfortunately, using almond flour would require re-working this recipe. You would have to add water (because the almonds that you start with in the recipe are saturated). You will have to experiment with this one. 🙂

  7. Gabriela wrote on July 30, 2012

    We have been dying to try out a raw cracker recipe because we have not been making bread and don’t know when we will again. Thank you for sharing this recipe! Can’t wait to try it.

  8. Lisa Reynoso wrote on July 29, 2012

    For those who live in the west, WinCo sells chia seeds in the bulk section for around $8 a pound. And Whole Foods also sells them in the bulk section for a little less than WinCo.


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