Your whole food, plant-based life.

White Chocolate Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tart

Years ago, one of my family’s favorite desserts was a white chocolate, raspberry, chocolate tart. I have been thinking about it lately and decided that I was going to make a raw version to bring to the 4th of July celebration at my friend Kim’s house. I was the only raw food person there but I sure wasn’t the only person who loved the dessert. It was a huge success.



If you want a light crust, like in the picture, you will have to peel the almonds. This is actually very easy once they have been soaked. The skins pop right off. This beautiful dessert looks like you spent hours in the kitchen but actually comes together very quickly. You can find raw cacao butter in the Rawmazing Store here: Rawmazing Store.


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  1. Naraleska wrote on March 2, 2011

    hello Susan, this recipe looks reeeeally good! I would love to give it a try, but was wondering, could I replace the cacao butter for coconut butter??? it is really difficult for me to find cacao butter around here but can actually make coconut butter myself!, so do you think it would work???

    • Susan wrote on March 3, 2011

      Cacao butter is very solid when cool and adds to the structure of this.

  2. Joylene wrote on January 13, 2011

    Hi Susan, thanks so much for this gorgeous recipe. I made it as a birthday cake for my sister-in-law and everyone loved it. Two questions. First, the cacao butter I could get here in Australia was actually like dark chocolate – hence the filling was like milk chocolate! Is the cacao butter in your shop like white chocolate? I will have to try it again with that one day! Was still delicious! Secondly, how do I convince people that this is actually really good for them! It looked so decadant that I had two people turn it down – one because his personal trainer would have his neck!! Nothing I could say would convince him otherwise!! So sad that people don’t realise that decadence doesn’t need to mean ill health!! Thank you and here is to amazing good health and delightful food! Cheers. X

    • Susan wrote on January 14, 2011

      Yes…the cacao butter in the store is white. So glad you liked it!!

  3. Carrie wrote on October 18, 2010

    I think i’ll be making this for thanksgiving or christmas (or both 🙂

  4. Susan wrote on October 5, 2010

    That could present a problem because it relies on the coconut oil or butter to set up.

  5. Suman wrote on October 5, 2010


    Can I use some other oil instead of coconut oil and also what can I use to replace cacoa butter.

    Thank you


  6. Linda wrote on August 13, 2010

    Yes I melt the oil & butter & then add to the cashew mixture. I wonder if this has anything to do with the climate. I live in Southern AZ.

  7. Linda wrote on August 13, 2010

    Hi Susan,

    This is a fabulous recipe. I have struggled twice with blending the nuts/oils I have a Vitamix when I blend it balls together like the oils seperate. At that time I put it in my food process and done small amounts & it blended nicely.
    Now I tried this again as I LOVED the flavors and and again am having difficulty blending the two together. I blended the cashews first then added the oils/agave is there a trick I am missing.

    • Susan wrote on August 13, 2010

      Wow…That is a new one. My mixture is actually pourable. Are your cacao butter and coconut oil in liquid form? A lot of people have made this recipe with no problems….let’s try to figure out what is going on for you.

  8. Jessica wrote on July 31, 2010

    I have to admit that when I read the name of your recipe I didn’t believe it. Nobody could create something like this but I was wrong…very wrong, and I’m pleased that I was wrong!


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