Your whole food, plant-based life.


Fresh Bouillon and a Buddha Bowl

Post by Susan on September 26, 2014

For a fully raw version, page down. I love the concept of a “Buddha Bowl”. I also call it my “What I make for dinner when I don’t feel like making dinner” bowl. It is simple, nutritious, delicious and a great way to use what you have in the kitchen. There are also two recipes…

Carrot Zucchini Raw Vegan Cake
Carrot Zucchini Raw Vegan Cake

I have been wanting to post a raw carrot cake recipe for years. Seriously, years. For some reason, I never got around to it until today. Of course, it couldn’t be a straight up carrot cake, I had to mess with it. Zucchini is available in abundance right now so I decided to throw that…

Perfect Summer Salad
Perfect Summer Salad

I am not even going to pretend. I am overwhelmed! We are moving into our new house, well 2 rooms of our new house in only 11 days and I honestly don’t know how we are going to pull it off. Our garages (that we were going to move our stuff into) are filled with…

Chocolate Espresso Hazelnut Frozen Torte
Chocolate Espresso Hazelnut Frozen Torte

Did I really say that? Chocolate espresso hazelnut frozen torte? Yes, I did. And you are going to love this one. It is pretty easy to put together if you make the hazelnut butter in advance. And since there are avocados in the filling in stead of coconut oil and cashews, you are going to…

Beets with Arugula “Cheese” and Orange
Beets with Arugula “Cheese” and Orange

Beets with Arugula “Cheese” and Orange (recipe follows post) An  Easy Elegant Appetizer and a Story I exhaled on Tuesday for the first time in 5 months. Not your normal exhale but a long  breath from deep down inside. As the air escaped from my lips, months of pent up stress traveled with it. Finally, a…

Raw Stuffed Mushrooms with Rosemary “Cream”
Raw Stuffed Mushrooms with Rosemary “Cream”

Stuffed Large Portobella Mushrooms With the Cashew Rosemary “Cream” There are some days that recipe inspiration does not come easy. And then sometimes, you get lucky. You see an ingredient and a whole dish falls into place. Strolling farmer’s markets can be a great idea. Veggies and fruits are everywhere calling out, “pick me!” Yesterday,…

Raw Pho Recipe
Raw Pho Recipe

Pho (pronounced ‘fuh’) is a traditional Vietnamese noodle soup that is loved by many. I have made vegan versions before but today, I bring you a raw pho recipe. This is a quick, easy pho, made from ingredients that shouldn’t be too  hard to find. There are some prepare ahead notes as you have to…

White Chocolate Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tort
White Chocolate Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tort

That’s raw? You bet it is. In fact it is one of my all time favorite raw dessert recipes and today we are taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting it! It’s all because my book, Rawmazing: Over 130 Simple Raw Recipes for Radiant Health is going into it’s third printing and my editor wanted…

Cauliflower Rice with Fresh Peas and Cumin
Cauliflower Rice with Fresh Peas and Cumin

Cauliflower. It isn’t a word that makes your heart skip a beat, or makes you start to salivate. But it is a work horse that can don many coats. I have used it as a pizza crust, a base for “stir-fry”, roasted it, made cauliflower steaks in the dehydrator and even made raw mashed “potatoes”…