Your whole food, plant-based life.

healthy recipes

Raw Food and Weight Loss

Post by Susan on October 6, 2009

You might want to sit down, I am going on a rant. I have noticed lately that there are a lot of websites popping up promising weight loss with the “new raw food diet.” Honestly, this saddens me. Raw food for me is not just about weight loss, it is about health gain. It is…

Raw Food: Basic Questions
Raw Food: Basic Questions

What is meant by raw food? Raw refers to food that is unprocessed, unrefined and not exposed to heat over 116 degrees, which kills the enzymes and nutrients. It is composed of fresh fruit and vegetables along with nuts and seeds. Raw isn’t a fringe movement. We all need to eat more fresh fruit and…

Tuesdays are Newsdays at Rawmazing!
Tuesdays are Newsdays at Rawmazing!

Ok, I know, the title is a little silly. I am a dork. My daughters tell me that all the time. See daughters: Are they sister’s or what? Thinking that it was about time for an update, and since Tuesday rhymes with Newsday, sit back and I will fill you in on all the exciting…

Raw Food Challenges
Raw Food Challenges

I was recently asked, “what the biggest challenge that people face when they first go raw?” It’s a great question because raw can confuse people. Do I need to be 100%? All the recipes look so confusing! I wouldn’t even know how to start! It may be a bold statement but in reality, raw is…

Raw Food Classes!

I would love to have you join us for one of our classes! The next one is on Wednesday, September 9th at Lakewinds in Minnetonka, MN. There is still space available! Whether you are already into raw foods or just looking for a way to live a healthier life style, you will learn easy ways…


My friend, Gray, raises tomatoes. 10,000 lbs of heirloom tomatoes that come off a single acre that he plants, using sustainable farming practices. I am often the beneficiary of many of these tomatoes for which I am truly grateful. There is nothing that tastes quite as good as an heirloom, grown on good soil, fertilized…

Rawmazing’s Newest Member: Sadie
Rawmazing’s Newest Member: Sadie

June and July were tough dog months around here. Two of our four-legged family members departed, leaving a huge hole in our hearts and our home. I knew that we could never replace our dogs. I also knew that there are thousands of dogs needing homes. We had space and I sought out a rescue…

Raw Food Classes!!!
Raw Food Classes!!!

We would love to have you join us Thursday the 27th as we dive into some wonderful raw food recipes! Learn about raw food, preparation techniques, and some very easy, amazing dishes! If you are anywhere near the Minneapolis area, please come and join us.  Learn how to incorporate raw food into your life and…