Your whole food, plant-based life.


Raw Food on the Radio

Post by Susan on November 7, 2009

I am traveling again, thus the picture of the pines in the high country just outside of Frisco, CO. This trip was a driving trip from Minneapolis to Boulder, then on to Frisco. Visiting my youngest in Boulder is always a great time. It was hard to leave but it was time to move my…

Raw Food: Know Your Nuts
Raw Food: Know Your Nuts

Whether you are new to raw food preparation, or have been eating this way for a while, you have probably noticed that nuts are used in many raw food recipes to replace traditional ingredients such as cheese and other dairy products. Dairy contains unhealthy animal fat and other substances you may want to avoid. Nuts…

Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds
Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Whether you are eating a raw food diet, or simply incorporating more raw foods into your diet, most likely you are eating more nuts and seeds. In raw food cooking, nuts and seeds are a versatile food source. They can be used to make substitutions for many dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cream…

Raw Food: What Can I Eat?
Raw Food: What Can I Eat?

One of the best things about writing a blog on raw food is getting comments and emails. It helps me to realize that when I send my raw food recipes and posts off into the blogosphere, YOU are out there reading and benefiting from them! So, comment and email away! A lot of the questions…

Rawmazing Classes!

We are doing quite a few classes here at Rawmazing. From learning how to make one recipe and turn it into 3 meals, to spectacular desserts that are made from all nutrient rich ingredients! Classes are fun, informative and tasty! Learn how to make gourmet raw food, easy and quick. There is still space in…

Raw Food and Weight Loss
Raw Food and Weight Loss

You might want to sit down, I am going on a rant. I have noticed lately that there are a lot of websites popping up promising weight loss with the “new raw food diet.” Honestly, this saddens me. Raw food for me is not just about weight loss, it is about health gain. It is…

Raw Food and Being Mindful
Raw Food and Being Mindful

Life is an interesting journey. You could think of it as a road that stretches out behind us as far as we can see and also has an unlimited expanse before us. Every day we walk down the road. But is the road really straight? And are we just walking along, step after step, so…

Raw Food: Basic Questions
Raw Food: Basic Questions

What is meant by raw food? Raw refers to food that is unprocessed, unrefined and not exposed to heat over 116 degrees, which kills the enzymes and nutrients. It is composed of fresh fruit and vegetables along with nuts and seeds. Raw isn’t a fringe movement. We all need to eat more fresh fruit and…

Raw Food Biology 101: Cells
Raw Food Biology 101: Cells

Why should we be eating more raw foods? It all starts with our cells, the building blocks of the human body. Cells are the smallest living organisms in the body and we have an estimated 100 trillion of them. that is a lot of cells! Cells are constantly renewing themselves. It is widely known that…

Heirloom Tomatoes: Other Uses
Heirloom Tomatoes: Other Uses

I Found another use for heirloom tomatoes last night. Skyler, my Kuvasz managed to tick off a skunk. I let the dogs out for their evening constitutional and the next thing I knew Skyler was barking up a storm in the woods. Deer? Raccoon? I called and called to no avail. She was completely ignoring…