Your whole food, plant-based life.

raw food recipes

Raw Food Dehydration Primer

Post by Susan on February 24, 2011

A lot of the raw food questions that end up in the comment section or in my e-mail inbox are about dehydration and raw food recipes.  I decided it was time for a little dehydration primer. Here are the top asked questions: 1. What temperature do you need to dehydrate at to keep the food…

Cleaning Up, Cleaning Out
Cleaning Up, Cleaning Out

The snow has been falling continuously since yesterday morning. I am all tucked in with the pups, getting ready for the Rawmazing Easy Raw Foods book launch tomorrow. I have also been taking a personal inventory, as I tend to do at this time of year. What are the areas that I want to work…

Soon to be Released!
Soon to be Released!

I was going to post a recipe for pears with pistachio cream and chocolate sauce today but I got started late and the pistachio cream just hasn’t set up yet. You will get that recipe tomorrow! And I do apologize for the site being a little quiet this week but I have been up to…

How Raw Foods Work For Me
How Raw Foods Work For Me

There is a huge debate going on in the raw food community right now about how to eat. Do you eat a 100% raw diet? 50% raw? Do you include cooked food, should you eat meat? Can you thrive on a 100% raw food diet? Have I failed if I am not 100%? Can I…

Friday Raw Food News
Friday Raw Food News

Shadow & Light: Your Soul Year I have a lot to tell you about today so I am just going to jump in! First, I want to introduce you to a project that I just completed with my dear friend, Amy Oscar. Her words have always taken my breath away. She wites in a way…

Finding Your Raw Groove
Finding Your Raw Groove

I have a pattern. It seems to happen to me every year, right about now. First, I start to get a little cabin fever. Then, to add insult to injury, I put on a pair of pants, or look in the mirror and all of the slack I have cut myself over the Christmas holidays…

Winter Pick Me Up Sale
Winter Pick Me Up Sale

Weekend E-Book Sale! It always happens at this time of year. And because of my love of winter, it always surprises me. I hit the winter wall and get a touch of cabin fever. I have to shake things up a bit, usually by going to the conservatory and photographing flowers or diving into something…

Finding Your Raw Food Balance
Finding Your Raw Food Balance

A good friend of mine posted a comment today on her Facebook page. She made tacos with walnuts and her ph level was more acidic. She was wondering if it was the walnuts. It could very well have been because walnuts are very acidic. But they also contain tons of health promoting nutrients. The good…

Eating Raw Food on a Budget
Eating Raw Food on a Budget

Best Of Raw 2010 Last year, Rawmazing was nominated for 2009 Best of Raw. I was flattered but never really said anything about it. This year, I have been nominated in the  “people” category for “Best Raw Gourmet Chef”, and Rawmazing has been nominated in the media category for “Best Raw Food Blog” (it is…

Iron and a Raw Food, Vegan Diet
Iron and a Raw Food, Vegan Diet

Hazelnut Chocolate Mousse a good source of iron. Recipe here: Hazelnut Chocolate Mousse I have been amazed at how many people I know are being diagnosed as having low iron. A sign of the times? What amazes me even more is it seems that the standard recommendation for people with low iron is to eat red meat….