Your whole food, plant-based life.

Why Eat Raw

Why Eat Raw

Food sustains us,… Yet what we eat may affect our risk for several of the leading causes of death for Americans, notably, coronary heart disease, stroke, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer. These disorders together now account for more than two-thirds of all deaths in the United States.” -former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop

It is estimated that 60% of disease is caused by the SAD diet (Standard American Diet). If food is the culprit, I believe that food can be the answer. As we become mindful about what we eat, we can start to make choices that promote our health over illness. Food is consumed for nutrition but it is also consumed for pleasure. What happens if we learn how to satisfy our pleasure receptors with healthy food? Our lives improve.


What do our bodies need to eat raw?

What are the building blocks that our bodies need to function? Enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, essential fats and fiber. These are all provided by our food and are involved in growth, repair and maintenance of the body. Let’s take a quick look at each of these and what they do for you.


Enzymes convert the food we eat into chemical structures that can pass though the membranes of the cells lining the digestive tract and into the blood stream. Their job doesn’t end there. Enzymes are the living proteins that direct the life force into our biochemical and metabolic processes. They help transform and store energy, make active hormones, dissolve fiber and prevent clotting. They have anti-inflammatory effects. Enzymes help balance and restore the immune system, and heal many diseases. Enzymes even help repair our DNA and our RNA.

When we cook food, we destroy many of the enzymes that help us naturally digest it.


Without vitamins our cells would not function properly and thus our organs would suffer and eventually we would no longer be able to survive. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy, and assist in forming bone and tissue. Guess what happens when you cook food? You got it, a large percentage of the vitamins are destroyed.

Viktoras Kulvinskas in his book, Survival into the 21st Century, estimates that the overall nutrient destruction is as high as 80%. Tests have shown that we will lose 50% of the B vitamins while B1 and B12 can lose up to 96%. 97% of folic acid is destroyed as well as 70-80 % of vitamin C.


Seventeen of the thirty elements known to be essential to life are metals. Mineral deficiencies cause disease in humans. Minerals also have a synergistic relationship with vitamins. They help each other help us. When foods are cooked, many of the minerals are destroyed, or altered, rendering them useless and also unable to assist our friends the vitamins.


Phytonutrients are what give fruits and vegetables their color. Phytos protect the body and fight disease. They also fight cancer and help your heart. Phytonutrient are at leading edge of research on nutrition. They provide medicine for cell health. And once again, Phytonutrients in freshly harvested plant foods can be destroyed or removed by cooking.

Why Eat Raw?

It just starts to make sense. If cooking destroys the vital and essential nutrients that we need to stay healthy, eating our food raw does the opposite. It provides us with what we need for our health and well being. I know from experience that when I am eating at least 80% raw, I have more energy, more mental focus, and all of the pesky things that irritate me on a daily basis, like acid reflux and my daily aches and pains, dissipate. I also know that I am feeding my body what it needs to thrive, not just survive.

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  1. Tania wrote on February 25, 2012

    Hi there! I am a huge raw food advocate and have been for quite some time! I noticed that in your recipes, you dehydrate food up to 140 degrees. From what I’ve ever known and learned about eating raw, nothing should ever be heated over 106 degrees because of enzyme deterioration. What are your views on this? Can you still preserve enzymes at higher temperatures?

    Thanks a Bunch!

  2. Amy wrote on February 11, 2012

    Thanks so much for this fantastic website, it is the best raw food site I have come across yet. I have only tried a few recipes so far, and we loved them, even my fussy kids! I will defiantly be frequenting the site! Keep up the awesome work 🙂

  3. Tracey Tula wrote on February 3, 2012

    I have only been eating raw for a few weeks. As a emotional eater, I have been on some sort of diet for years. I started this phase with the same mentality. What I did not expect was how great that I would feel! I have been very diligent in making sure I eat enough/ not too much. I have stuck to fresh fruit and veggies. Sure it is a bit boring but the physical effects are just too amazing. I look forward to visiting this site to get ideas and stay raw! Thanks. : )
    Great web site!

  4. Nora wrote on February 1, 2012

    To Carolyn who posted back in March – A wonderful book entitled, “Eat To Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman recommends that we consume one ounce of nuts or seeds per day. That includes those who are overweight. This book is so enlightening! I would recommend anyone to read it and his latest book, “Super Immunity”

    Susan, I just discovered your site and am loving what I see. Thank you!

  5. Joanne wrote on January 23, 2012

    I want to say that you are a true inspiration. Your recipes are far the best raw vegan recipes I have found on internet. I LOVE to “cook”, but I mostly love to get inspired from life and I put that inspiration in my creations and you are an artist with food.
    Thank you for helping me through my raw vegan journey – I am not 100% raw vegan… yet 🙂

  6. Lauren wrote on November 30, 2011

    I love the site. I can’t wait to try a raw cashew cheese (I’m waiting for my raw, organic cashews to be delivered). I started 100% raw vegan (formerly 80% macrobiotic vegan for three months, and before that 100% SAD vegetarian for 11 years) on Monday and I am adapting to the experience. I’m not sure how I feel about fermented foods. I’ve read that they become toxic when they ferment (eg alcohol). Is this not the case or is the idea that fermented foods in small amounts is not toxic?

  7. ToeKnee wrote on November 26, 2011

    Nice Site. Good Recipes. 30 days tomorrow at about 95% raw. Thanks.

  8. Lucy wrote on October 27, 2011

    Great and informative site!! Question that I have – I am allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs, almonds, peanuts, mushrooms, red kidney beans and pineapple and have been researching and leaning towards eating more raw foods to help with several health issues, so can I substitute almond milk with coconut milk and almond butter with coconut butter? I was interested in the choclate mousse.

    Thank you!

    • Susan wrote on October 28, 2011

      It completely depends on the recipe. I am not sure coconut butter or oil would be a good substitution for the almond butter in the mousse. 🙂

  9. Kris wrote on October 7, 2011

    Hello “Ray” ! I finally got myself to begin with the “green-drinks” ! Gosh….my first drinks were …gheee… 😉
    However , trying to keep them “green” in color as well , with lots of lemon and fresh orange and perhaps a spoon of ” acacia honey ” it’s much better ! But even the grape-blueberry-greens combination of susan is nice. I do add something sweet …..Best off all ; I’ts TRUE ! You feel full of energy drinking them every day 🙂


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