Your whole food, plant-based life.

Grain Grinder Give Away!

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Grain Grinder and Flaker Give Away!

If you enjoyed the “How to Make Raw Flaked Oats” post, you will love this give-away! It is a grain grinder and grain flaker just for you so you can make your own raw sprouted oat flakes and other raw sprouted flours and flakes!

This NorPro Grain Grinder does it all, both flakes and flour. I put it through it’s paces and almost decided to keep it! It did a great job with both flaking and grinding.

To enter the contest, just leave a comment telling us why you are eating healthy and also approximately what percentage of raw food you eat.  You can only enter once and the contest closes on Thursday, May 16th at 9:00 am PST. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. You must answer the questions for your entry to count. 

Give-Away at

Flaked oats made with the grinder.

If you can’t wait to get one, you can buy one here: grain grinder

This grinder was purchased specifically by for this contest.

Contest is now closed.

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  1. Brittany @ twosaucysisters wrote on May 16, 2013

    I eat healthy because it makes me feel good and it helps me to perform better in cross country and track and field. I would say I eat raw about 50% of the time- I always try to include a few servings of raw fruits and vegetables as well as eat raw nuts and seeds every day.

  2. Frances Y. wrote on May 16, 2013

    I eat a healthy and mostly plant-based diet for health reason, and raw food constitutes 40% of my diet.

  3. monique wrote on May 16, 2013

    I would love to have this to grind my own flour. That would be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway. It’s very generous of you.

  4. Felicia blair wrote on May 16, 2013

    My very first raw food teacher 30 years ago had me eating steel cut oats. Her name was Dr Regina Lorr, she wrote ( among many) my first raw cookbook called Miracles in the Kitchen. She would be amazed the books and receipes now. She passed 2 years ago at age 92. I eat about 75 percent raw.
    I love Rawmazing receipes, just gave a client your website last night. That kale and a avocado pesto will be a classic and a staple in my kitchen! Thanks for sharing your wonderfully creative receipes.

  5. Györgyi wrote on May 16, 2013

    I really love your blog, so at first congrats for your whole activity.
    I’m very lucky because I like very much vegetables and fruits so for me It’s natural to eat of them as much as possible mainly in raw. My weak point is the dessert but I always try to choose a healthy option and make raw and healthy desserts.
    Good luck for everyone!

  6. Yannik wrote on May 16, 2013

    Can we enter the contest if we live in Canada? I was so intrigued by your post on raw flaked oats and would love to be able to do this! I am passionate about eating healthy because it enhance everything in my life – the way my body performs, my energy, my longevity, my ability to concentrate, etc. I started exploring raw foods about three years ago and I would say that I now eat about 80% raw during the summer (raw until dinner and more flexibility in the evening) and 60-75% during winter months (I still drink juices and smoothies and eat big salads but I crave warmer foods).

  7. bernadette wrote on May 16, 2013

    I have been House bound and Ill for most of my adult life, Since going raw and especially green smoothies and juices, health has slowly improved. Have so many health issues it has hampered my improvement(I could not say my recovery as I have been ill all my life) I am limited for breakfast ideas especially in winter. How wonderful to be able to have live sprouted cereals. I lived many years only being able to eat brown rice and rice milk. Since live raw foods, I now have a small variety to eat, but would so love to be able to have more. Thank you for all you insightful information and help. I try to live most of my life as a raw foodist avoiding dead cooking most of the time, as I already struggle to get nutrients into my system, why would I want to add dead nutrient depleted (stuff) into my body. All the best to everyone on this journey to better health.

  8. Nicole wrote on May 16, 2013

    We eat about 80-100% raw depending on the weather. We eat this way to avoid sickness, for mental clarity, and to give our kids a solid foundation. Thank you for sharing this cool tool!

  9. Kyla wrote on May 16, 2013

    I have been eating a raw food diet for over 8 years, most of those years at 100% raw. It has completely transformed my mind, body and spirit, helped me have 2 wonderful pregnancies and births and cured me of severe depression and anxiety. Thanks for sharing all your amazing recipes and this great contest.


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