Your whole food, plant-based life.

Monday Giveaway!

Today we are giving away one of m favorite DVD’s, Food Matters. It is inspirational and a great resource for your raw food diet. The best description comes from their site:

“Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food” – Hippocrates.

‘Food Matters’ is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of funding and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies.

The film sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide ‘Sickness Industry’ and exposes a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments.

‘Food Matters’ features interviews with leading medical experts from around the world who discuss natural approaches to preventing and reversing Cancer, Obesity, Heart Disease, Depression, Mental Illness and many other chronic conditions.

Find out what works, what doesn’t and what’s killing you. Becoming informed about the choices you have for you and your family’s health could save your life.

Click continue for entry instructions:

To enter, write a comment, in the comment section for this post briefly stating your biggest personal health wish. I believe that when we actually write these things down, we are putting energy in the right direction. So, you can enter the contest and also, send some good energy out at the same time.

Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, October 26th at midnight. Winner will be announced on Wednesday.

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  1. Jeff Mitchell wrote on October 25, 2010

    May peace prevail on earth.

  2. jf wrote on October 25, 2010

    to heal my dysmenorrhea and possibly endometriosis

  3. Marilyn wrote on October 25, 2010

    I wish that I will be Lyme free after battling the bacteria for 3 years. Yes, raw eating does make a difference.

  4. Kathryn Sullivan wrote on October 25, 2010

    i really, really need that DVD.

    • Susan wrote on October 25, 2010

      Kathryn…please read the entry instructions. 🙂

  5. Fabienne wrote on October 25, 2010

    I wish that I could gain all my energy back, so that I could again live my life to the fullest.

  6. Terra wrote on October 25, 2010

    My personal health wish is to finally lose the weight that has crept up in the last 5 years and eliminate circulation issues, thyroid and fatty liver issues with juicing and raw food. Start teaching raw food classes by the end of this year!

  7. BERNADETTE wrote on October 25, 2010

    My biggest personal health wish is to continue on the totally vegan, mostly raw path to continually improve and maintain my good health. This will allow me to be a vibrant example to others, especially family members and friends suffering from not having good health, hopefully inspiring them to take personal responsibility for their health by exploring and adopting nutritional excellence to help prevent and deal with “lifestyle diseases.”

  8. Karen Couch wrote on October 25, 2010

    My husband is recovering from surgery for a rare form of cancer, with a high rate of recurrence. He has expressed interest in a raw food diet, but I don’t have a clue how to get started. Also, I want to be able to express to our children the importance of this way of eating. I pray that God will show me the way the incorporate this healthier way of eating, so my family will be more healthy and centered.

  9. Andri Abercrombie wrote on October 25, 2010

    My personal health wish is to be rid of the muscular disease I have along with the many painful symptoms that accompany it. I also wish to maintain a raw lifestyle and share with others how eating in this way can heal their bodies of its many ailments.

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