Raw Food and Natural Beauty
When we are eating raw food, we start paying a lot of attention to what goes into our bodies. I thought it was time for a little reminder to think about what we are putting on our bodies, too. Our bodies are absorbing chemicals from our beauty products almost as easily as if we were eating them.
Pick up your bottle of lotion. Or your face cream. Read the ingredients. Now, go get a spoon and dig in. Obviously, I am kidding. But while we wouldn’t eat what is in the jar, we don’t think twice about slathering it all over our bodies. When we take into consideration that our skin is the biggest organ on our bodies, and is highly absorbent, I think we need to wake up and be much more aware of what we are putting on our bodies.
Think about how the medical world is now dispensing many of our drugs, through skin patches. There are patches for menopause, birth control, quitting smoking, depression, and chronic pain. The patch is even being considered for delivering insulin for diabetics. A simple patch that you place on your skin. This should alert you to what a great transportation system your skin is for drugs and chemicals.
There are quite a few great chemical free alternatives out there. Because they can be expensive, I thought I would share a few of my lo-cost, effective skin treatments with you.
My favorite skin moisturizer is Sweet Almond Oil. I actually get mine in bulk at the local co-op. After every shower, before I dry off, I coat my skin with the oil and then towel off. Not only is the oil very moisturizing, it is quick and easy to do in the shower and if you do it while your skin is still wet, you get the extra added benefit of sealing in moisture. I love it. You can always add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil (make sure it is appropriate to put on your skin) for a beautiful fragrance.
I even add a few drops of almond oil to my hair conditioner. My hair is a bit on the dry side so the extra oil makes my hair beautifully shinny and healthy. Sweet almond oil is full of oleic and linoleic essential fatty acids. It is also a great source of vitamin E and A with a few B vitamins thrown in for good measure.
The next time you are thinking of buying that expensive, perfumed skin lotion, think sweet almond oil instead. Your outsides and your insides will thank you. I would love to hear about your natural beauty products!
For other natural beauty products, check out these posts:

Faith Lubitz wrote on November 7, 2010
final note, I recommend an excellent shower filter too for those of us especially who take a daily shower, or like longer showers, since the chlorine in city water is very drying to the skin. I have a great filter that does more than the smaller units that are sold in health food stores and coops. It’s got a larger filtration area…I got it from a man who is in Eden Prairie MN, email me if you want his contact info. flubitz@hotmail.com Faith
Faith Lubitz wrote on November 7, 2010
I use olive oil….I do it when my skin is still wet so I don’t have to use as much, I don’t want to get too greased up…the water helps spread a small amount on. And as far as the deeper layers needing hydrating it’s true but for that we need to be eating correctly, not looking for exterior products. The deep levels are controlled by hormones ,and of course the water balance in the body is affected by the urinary tract/kidneys….too much dietary salt (even good salt) can leave us dehydrated- the kidneys take water away from the skin to dilute the salty bloodstream, leaving dry skin. I use lime juice and herbs and shallots and spices instead of salt, also dulse flakes are great! For those of us in the menopausal years, achieving proper hormones can be challenging.
I have found a couple of natural ways to balance my old lady hormones…green smoothies, and cardamom—I chew up the cardamom seeds, yummy.
Dot D. wrote on November 7, 2010
My concern is for the folks who have allergies to coconut and nuts. Indeed, what are some other compounds that can be safely used? Honey is a good one, but does that penetrate? How does one test for these substances??
Susan wrote on November 7, 2010
Honestly, I find the oil to be more agreeable for my skin and works better than moisturizers! What other compounds are there that could be found naturally?
Karen wrote on November 7, 2010
Hello! I think almond oils is a great idea, but you should not forget to read more about how deep oils can moisturize the skin. the power of penetration of a oil, is just at the surface. It cant penetrate in the inner levels of your skin, like another compounds of moisturizers. And we do need to hydrate those levels, also. But is a good idea when you do need to hydrate your skin when coming from sun exposition.
Mary Ann wrote on November 7, 2010
I have a HUGE tub of raw organic coconut oil in my shower and slather it on every day!!! 🙂
Nikita wrote on November 7, 2010
I use sweet almond oil as a makeup remover and Manuka Honey to wash my face.
Helen wrote on November 7, 2010
We use baking soda and raw apple cider vinegar to wash our face. Use coconut oil for our skin…alway use cold pressed and organic – coconut oil also as a moisturizer for the scalp! Love your idea of sweet almond oil. What kind do you use??