Raw Food and Natural Beauty
When we are eating raw food, we start paying a lot of attention to what goes into our bodies. I thought it was time for a little reminder to think about what we are putting on our bodies, too. Our bodies are absorbing chemicals from our beauty products almost as easily as if we were eating them.
Pick up your bottle of lotion. Or your face cream. Read the ingredients. Now, go get a spoon and dig in. Obviously, I am kidding. But while we wouldn’t eat what is in the jar, we don’t think twice about slathering it all over our bodies. When we take into consideration that our skin is the biggest organ on our bodies, and is highly absorbent, I think we need to wake up and be much more aware of what we are putting on our bodies.
Think about how the medical world is now dispensing many of our drugs, through skin patches. There are patches for menopause, birth control, quitting smoking, depression, and chronic pain. The patch is even being considered for delivering insulin for diabetics. A simple patch that you place on your skin. This should alert you to what a great transportation system your skin is for drugs and chemicals.
There are quite a few great chemical free alternatives out there. Because they can be expensive, I thought I would share a few of my lo-cost, effective skin treatments with you.
My favorite skin moisturizer is Sweet Almond Oil. I actually get mine in bulk at the local co-op. After every shower, before I dry off, I coat my skin with the oil and then towel off. Not only is the oil very moisturizing, it is quick and easy to do in the shower and if you do it while your skin is still wet, you get the extra added benefit of sealing in moisture. I love it. You can always add in a few drops of your favorite essential oil (make sure it is appropriate to put on your skin) for a beautiful fragrance.
I even add a few drops of almond oil to my hair conditioner. My hair is a bit on the dry side so the extra oil makes my hair beautifully shinny and healthy. Sweet almond oil is full of oleic and linoleic essential fatty acids. It is also a great source of vitamin E and A with a few B vitamins thrown in for good measure.
The next time you are thinking of buying that expensive, perfumed skin lotion, think sweet almond oil instead. Your outsides and your insides will thank you. I would love to hear about your natural beauty products!
For other natural beauty products, check out these posts:
Catherine wrote on November 8, 2010
I have just recently been using coconut oil for my skin. I resisted for years because of having hypersensitive skin, but the coconut oil actually helps heal my skin and I am loving it. Thanks for the good article above! got anything up your sleeve for thinning hair?
shirley beavan wrote on November 8, 2010
Great info I love coconut oil for my skin must refrigerate to keep solid otherwise it becomes an oil not bad
Cindy wrote on November 8, 2010
Sesame oil is supposed to help reduce the appearance of brown scars so I use that after every shower. I started just putting it on the scars but now I just slather on after shower like you do with the almond oil. Just read about this one is anyone’s interested in wrinkle treatments! “Grind oat groats into a powder and make into a tea. Apply to the skin to smooth out wrinkles.”
becky wrote on November 8, 2010
Thanks girls for all the tips! What does everyone use for aging skin..or sundamaged skin?
Also I need my face tightened up! Any recommendations! Thanks!
Karen apostolova wrote on November 8, 2010
Oh yes, I forgot about aloe vera, great for regenerating skin…..try to find the more natural possible, exactly those prepared to drink.
Karen apostolova wrote on November 8, 2010
Hello Susan, actually almond oil have a good penetration, but grape seed oil and flax seed oil have better deeper penetration. Also flax has good levels of omega 3 fat (essential to replenishment of skin properties). For face we can always use the almond milk, the same that we can make to drink. Once per week, because is deeeeep hydrating and might not be good for oils skin. Also the butters are more effective, specially now in the winter, like cocoa butter or oil, or cacao butter. Olive oil is great because of the antioxidants naturals. Just like the cacao butter is rich in antioxidants. Olive oil can be used to treat the hair, before wash with your usual shampoo. and mosqueta rose oil has huge deep hydrating power, and because of this might be used on the face, on the rides, or for pregnant women, on the body. Sorry if my english is not enough good to write correctly.
KL wrote on November 7, 2010
I use organic, vegan soaps from Obermeyer Naturals to bathe and they are wonderful (http://www.obermeyernaturals.com/Handmade-Soaps-p-1-c-248.html). I wash dishes and bathe my dogs with Castile soap (Dr. Bronner’s). I wash my hair with baking soda and water, moisturize my skin with sweet almond oil (make sure you get it in glass jars, not plastic), and use salt crystal deodorant.
Hanna wrote on November 7, 2010
I use a variety of organic oils on my skin. Just recently I made half a liter of olive oil in which I’d soaked a few branches of pine and spruce. This is a great oil that helps your blood circulation (or so the books I’ve been reading promise. I tend to add a few drops of essential oil to smaller amounts of the oil so I get to choose my favorite scents of the week for example.
It’s really easy to make and feels lovely on the skin. I also do the same routine in the summer time: shower, then oil before the skin is completely dry. In the winter time i reverse the routine: oil first – especially for my legs, then shower. This way the oil actually protects the skin from the water and it doesn’t get as dry during winter time 🙂
Dot D. wrote on November 7, 2010
Faith, All good news and, of course, I totally forgot about hormones playing a role in all this. 🙂 Thanks!