Your whole food, plant-based life.
Raw Appetizer Round-Up
On Wednesday, I brought you some of my favorite appetizer recipes from the archives of Rawmazing. Today, I am bringing you some of my favorite recipes from websites that I love. Our first recipe comes from Gena Hamshaw’s Choosing Raw. Gena and I have “known” each other for years. As we started our raw websites…

Rawmazing Cookbook Give-Away!
It’s time for me to say thank you for all your wonderful support. I get so many lovely emails and comments and I just want to let you know how much you all mean to me. So…I am giving away 3 sets of the Rawmazing Print Cookbooks. Three winners will each receive a copy of…

Favorite Recipes of 2013
It’s that time of year…when we look back over the last year, on the eve of the new. It has been a wonderful year here at Rawmazing and that is thanks to all of you, dear readers! For our end of the year round up, I have chosen 8 of our most popular recipes from…

Favorite Handmade Christmas Presents
Body Butter When I was a little girl, handmade Christmas presents were not at the top of my list. In fact, as the good consumers my family was, most everything under the tree was store bought. I didn’t appreciate the love that went into something handmade. One exception was the snowball cookies (Russian Tea Cakes) that…

2014 Rawmazing Calendar
12.95 US Shipping: International Shipping (outside of the US) The Rawmazing 2014 Jewel Case Calendar is ready! This year’s calendar is full of all new, original, easy, no dehydrator needed, raw food recipes. All recipe cards fit in a Jewel Case (think CD case) that substitutes as a card holder (see 2012 Calendar for…

Just the Goods Giveaway!
It’s another Giveaway! I am so excited to bring you this pre-Thanksgiving Giveaway from one of our returning sponsors*, Just the Goods! I need to tell you a little about this wonderful line of skin care items. About a year and a half ago, I first tried Just the Goods skin care. I immediately fell…

Contest Winner and a Huge Thank You!
Last Thursday, I decided to run a little contest to thank you for visiting and reading the Rawmazing blog. I wanted to give some love back so I decided to give out five cookbooks, wrote the post and hit publish. I was not prepared for what happened next. The comments (entries) started pouring in. And…

Rawmazing Book Give-Away!
This contest is now closed. I’m feeling it today…the love for all of you who visit the Rawmazing website! To celebrate and thank all of you wonderful readers, I am giving away 5 copies of Rawmazing: Over 130 Simple Raw Recipes for Radiant Health! To enter simply say “Hi” and let us know where in…

Nutri Bullet Give-Away!
Look what we are giving away! A brand new Nutri Bullet! I was pretty darn impressed by the nutri-bullet I bought for my trip (read about it here). So impressed, I decided to buy another one to give away to one of my lucky readers! I am going to keep this short…just leave a comment…

Eating Healthy While Traveling
A view from the road. Driving through Eucalyptus Trees. Heavenly. Lake Tahoe, blanketed in a layer of smoke from the Yosemite fire. We just got back from a successful (vegan, mostly raw) trip up to Lake Tahoe. I’m surprised at how easy it was to stay 100% vegan (not an option for me to nudge…